Powder Coating Has Four Advantages over Traditional Coating

    Compared with traditional coating, powder coating has four advantages: pollution reduction, energy-saving, excellent film performance and considerable economic benefits.

    Powder coating does not contain volatile solvents such as organic solvents and water, which avoids the accidents caused by solvents. Powder coating is 100% solid, and the ultra-sprayed powder coating can be recycled through the recycling system,  so that environmental pollution can be reduced to minimum.

    The quantities of output of electrostatic coating machines are large and thick film can be made once, so there is no need to repeat spraying. In case of film with the same thickness, the coating operation with powder coating is faster than with traditional coating, which can save time. In addition, the baking time of powder coating is also less than that of liquid coating, so fuel energy can be saved.

    Powder coating is directly sprayed on the pre-treated iron or aluminum, coating film with excellent performance such as abrasive resistance, corrosion resistance and etc. can be made after baking. While outdoor powder coating has high weather resistance and pollution resistance besides the above advantages.

    Powder coating is used by electrostatic axiom, so coating equipments can be automatic without extra human resources. And powder coating is 100% solid without any solvent, which saves package cost and storage space. Besides, powder coating that is not attached to the sprayed object can be recycled. So using powder coating can increase economic benefits.

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